positional plagiocephaly is a condition in which the shape of the head is asymmetrical. it occurs either evenly across the back of the head, or off to one side because some babies lie with their head straight while others prefer it turned. positional plagiocephaly can also occur in babies with shortened or tightened neck muscles on one side. this prevents baby’s head from turning freely and is known as congenital torticollis.
most of a child’s skull growth occurs during infancy. skull growth slows and the skull hardens during the toddler years. early prevention and treatment are therefore important. after a child reaches one year of age, the window for treatment quickly closes. the earlier the treatment, the best chance of correction. osteopathic treatment recognises the importance of treating the whole body as a unit. treatment will aim at decreasing any tension in the baby’s head, neck and face and enhance the function’s body, in order to allow the skull to resume a more normal shape. sometimes, there is the presence of torticollis (where the baby's head is turned to only one side), which predisposes to the development of a flat spot. treatment can usually improve the newborn’s ability to turn their head to both sides equally so the child is able to sleep with their head facing in either direction. we may also give some exercises and tips to stimulate the head turning to the opposite side to the flattening.
sources: http://deborareehdo.com http://www.flatheadprevention.org http://www.londonorthotics.co.uk
